Monday, March 14, 2011

Almost There?

So yesterday we kicked butt on the laundry room. And it only took 3 trips to Home Depot! UGH! I know David works there but if I spend one more minute in that store I'm gonna scream! LOL. Anyhoo, besides a minor upset between......up you guessed it Walter and David the rest of the day went pretty well.

David got all of the new plumbing done. We're using a product called Pex tubing. It's flexible tubing instead of piping. And instead of threaded bits and pieces it uses a product called "Sharkbite". You push it into the adapters and that's it. It's really cool and interesting. It was much easier to put together although not so easy to buy. It's a bit pricey but I gotta say when we were done and ran a load of clothes it was nice to not hear those pipes banging back and forth.

Our day was a full one. David expected to spend a couple of hours in the basement and that was it. We spent the entire day. We started at around 10am and didn't stop until 7pm. David was worried some of the pipes were glued together. Luckily none of them were but their were some rusty spots. I spent the day in a water park. LOL. I was wet most of the day. No matter what you do with pipes and how much you drain them they are going to get water everywhere! David was working around the water heater and went to loosen a pipe when the water line for the hot water coming out of the water heater snapped! Hot water going everywhere. So we busted butt getting the hose hooked up so we could drain it. All the while my finger is over the snapped part of the pipe (that water was H-O-T!), but we got it done. Afterwards we were glad it happened while we were there instead of in the middle of the night! After helping one friend with a busted water heater I don't want to think about it! At another point we were dealing with another pipe and water spewed everywhere! I just stood there drenched and thinking to myself, "How is David going to react?" When I hear him begin to laugh. I look up and his face is covered with water! It was very funny. It could have been a volitile situation but we held it together. LOL. Needless to say the plumbing is replaced and looking nice. We moved the outlets for the washer over since we're unstacking them and set everything up. Before quitting we finished putting in the insulation and here and there we'll be putting up the rest of the vapor barrier and then the dry wall. That room is going to be toasty next winter!

No new discoveries for us on this leg of the journey. I think we're done finding them. But David did mention that he feels like we took 2 steps back and only 1 step forward yesterday. I feel the same. Having to repair all the mistakes is taking it's toll not only on us but also on our wallet. It's like the guy got it almost right in some spots and in others he was almost clueless. But every time I think that or say that I always tell myself that someone after us is going to come in and ask, "What were these people thinking doing it this way?" So it makes me wonder how right we're doing.

I do have some updated photos on my facebook to show our progress. I'll keep posting as we work on it.

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